Platelet-rich Plasma Treatment for Bladder Incontinence: Urinary Incontinence Pants No Longer Needed

Picture of Amanda Bradshaw

If you’re one of the millions of women who suffer from bladder incontinence, you know how frustrating it can be. You may feel like you can’t do anything without worrying about having an accident. Thankfully, there is a new treatment that may be able to help. Platelet-rich plasma therapy has been shown to be effective in treating bladder incontinence and lack of control. In this article, we’ll discuss how PRP therapy works and whether or not it’s right for you.

Bladder problems are common.

When it comes to bladder problems, women often turn to incontinence pants as the only solution. But now there’s another option available: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This treatment has been used for several years now as a method of increasing blood flow in other areas of the body, typically to reduce pain and swelling after surgery or an injury. It’s also been used to help heal wounds faster and even treat hair loss!

Bladder leakage is a symptom, not a condition.

Bladder leakage is a symptom, not a condition. It’s common for people to think that bladder leakage is a condition, but it’s not. If you have bladder leakage you can live with it and still lead a normal life. However, if your bladder leaks too much and affects your day-to-day life then this might be something to talk about with your doctor or healthcare professional.

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is more common as we age.

Platelet-rich Plasma Treatment for Bladder Incontinence: Urinary Incontinence Pants No Longer Needed 1

SUI is more common as we age. In fact, it’s estimated that nearly half of women over the age of 60 experience SUI. Post-menopausal women are also more likely to suffer from SUI than those who are pre- or peri-menopausal. And if you’ve had children, there’s a good chance that you may experience some degree of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) after delivery. Women who are obese and have children are also at increased risk for developing symptoms of SUI later in life.

Bladder incontinence does not have to compromise your daily life.

You don’t have to live with bladder problems—you can, instead, find ways to manage it. There are many options for people who suffer from this condition, including medications and surgery.

There are many non-surgical solutions for women who experience incontinence. These include Kegel exercises and bladder training, which can be done at home or in the doctor’s office; medication (such as anticholinergics); or devices like intraurethral plugs or pessaries. Surgery is often reserved for patients who have failed other treatments or whose symptoms have not improved with other options like medication and pelvic floor physiotherapy.

The good news is that there are a number of surgical procedures available that can help women achieve significant improvement in their urinary incontinence symptoms—and even cure it entirely! These surgical procedures include bulking agents such as collagen injections along with biologic agents like platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP), which involves taking a small amount of your own blood and separating out some of the platelets so they can be injected back into the area where they’re needed most (a process known as “platelet concentrate”).

You don’t have to live with this condition which has such a profound effect on quality of life.

Platelet-rich Plasma Treatment for Bladder Incontinence: Urinary Incontinence Pants No Longer Needed 2

You don’t have to live with this condition which has such a profound effect on quality of life.

In fact, the benefits of PRP therapy for bladder incontinence include:

  • Being able to enjoy an active lifestyle again, without worrying about leaking or having to run home or change clothes after you’ve been out running errands or having fun with your friends and family;
  • Feeling confident again in social situations, knowing that you won’t be afraid of letting down anyone who might be looking at you or paying attention to what is happening around them;
  • Being free from embarrassment and feeling comfortable in public, especially if it happens while laughing at something funny (or even crying over something sad).

Urinary incontinence can be cured by PRP therapy

This is perhaps the most exciting part of PRP therapy for bladder incontinence: once the procedure is complete, you will no longer need to wear urinary incontinence pants. You can go about your everyday life without worrying about leaking or looking for a restroom.

You’ll know that you’ve successfully treated your urinary incontinence when no more fluid leaks from your body when you sneeze or cough. When this happens, it means that the treatment has worked as intended and fixed whatever was causing the problem in the first place.

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