Football Player’s Knee Injury Treated With PRP

Picture of Amanda Bradshaw

Kim Duffin, football player, damaged the lateral ligament of her knee and tore her ACL and meniscus whilst playing at a charity football match.

The A & E sent her away with a cricket splint, a pair of crutches and a pocket full of painkillers, told her to rest and that she would need a further assessment for an MRI.

After a week of not hearing anything and the pain getting worse by the day, she went to see her GP who gave her some more painkillers and said they would chase up the hospital referral.

Since the injury was not classed as requiring urgent attention, she was on a 3 week minimum waiting list and was advised to rest.

Realising that this would be a long process and that she needed to get back to work as soon as possible, she contacted Amanda at the Blend Clinic.

The Solution

She had been going to the Blend Clinic for other treatments over the years for sports massages so contacting Amanda was a good option.

Amanda Bradshaw is a former personal trainer, so she understands the athlete’s physical needs. She brings both the therapeutic and the biomedical viewpoint to her treatments, using the latest research and products to achieve fitness. As well as using PRP for sports injuries, she provides various injections, including for anti-inflammatory and disc support treatment.

After an ultrasound scan of Kim’s knee to look at the damage, she was given a number of options and ultimately opted for a plasma injection procedure (PRP treatment).

Amanda explained what would happen during the procedure in detail and told her of its success for other patients.

Although Kim was not a fan of injections she felt reassured by Amanda’s calm nature.

“Amanda, as usual, was brilliant. Her friendly yet professional approach to assessing and running through possible treatment options is really reassuring and puts you at ease. I cannot express how pleasantly shocked I was at the difference in pain level and range of mobility overnight.

Just 2 days after the procedure I was able to get around quite comfortably without crutches but continued to wear the knee brace for support and within 2 weeks after the procedure, I managed to go shopping in town not wearing the brace.

I cannot thank Amanda enough for how what she has done to speed up my recovery!”

Kim Duffin, Football Player

The Benefit Of PRP Treatments And Why It Was The Best Option

PRP injections were used in this procedure as it uses the patient’s own body growth factors to stimulate regeneration and renewal.

The plasma’s own growth factors activate stem cells and encourage your body to generate new tissue to heal itself. PRP for sports injuries provides an alternative to steroid and anti-inflammatory injections for ongoing injuries such as nerve inflammation, frozen shoulder and RSI.

The blood is made up of four separate components, and each performs a different function. Plasma is an essential carrier of nutrients in your body full of growth factors.

The Result

Overnight, Kim was pleasantly shocked at the difference in pain level and range of mobility and within just 2 days, she was able to get around comfortably without crutches.

2 weeks after the procedure Kim managed to get on with everyday tasks such as shopping without her knee brace and is nearly back to normal.

At the time of writing this case study, she is still waiting to hear from the NHS to receive the follow-up assessment appointment so if she had not contacted Amanda at the Blend Clinic, she would most likely be in a lot of pain and wearing a splint.

If you are suffering from a sports injury, PRP therapy could be a viable option for you to to avoid surgery and allow for a quicker recovery. Get in touch for more information and to book an appointment.

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